Brooklyn Navy Yard - Built Morphology Adapts to Network Geometry

Overview | Settlement | Nodes & Paths | Built Morphology | Network | Evaluation

Brooklyn Navy Yard - Built Morphology

(S) Street Width, between 6 and 12 m.
Local street width dependent on the hierarchy.

(R) Range of Repulsion from Network, 6 - 12 m.
Defines how far cells move away from network.

(At) Attractiveness of Network = 30%
Relative distance attracted to network.

(D) Relative Distance to Neighbour = 10 m.

To start forming urban tissue with space for movement of food, people and production, a few steps have been developed for the purpose of this case study.

Shown on the left page are the different stages how to use the generated network as an attractor and a first attempt how this network informs the urban space in the neighbourhood.

First the network is used as a repeller to clear space for streets. This algorithm takes the outcome of the simulation and the network builder as a start. If the cells are within the Range of Repulsion, they are moved away from the network path.

Next step is the attractiveness of the Network. All the cells are pulled towards the closest branch of the Network, with a certain percentage relative to their distance to the Network.

The image at the bottom of the left column shows how then the cells are rotated and orientated according to the direction of the closest branch of the generated Network. This will produce street facades aligned with each other.

The Last step of this algorithm is to make sure that the individual cells are not intersecting with each other. If they are closer then the set distance, they move away from their neighbours to maintain this distance. This ensures that on each cell there is enough space to actually build the number of dwellings that the settlement simulation calls for.