The Productive Network - Nodes

Overview | Method | Nodes | Paths | Morphology | Implementation

Wholesale and Retail Nodes extracted and categorised

Wholesale Nodes
Wholesale nodes were identified and categorised according to the number of connections from W1 (one connection) to W6+ (for six or more connections).

Our sample tissue does not contain 1's or 2's.  This is a result of the networking algorithm, which connects many retail nodes to a single wholesale node.  
Our lowest ranked wholesale node is a W3, of which there are two, both at the perimeters of the tissue and would likely become W4 or W5 when the city expands.  W4's are most commonly occurring, which we will call 'Minor Hubs' 

Nodes beyond W4, we classify as 'Major Hubs.' Our sample tissue generated (3) W5's, (1) W6, and (1) W7.
The distribution of node types is a result of the αd and Ov parameters used in the network building steps.

Retail Nodes
In the same way, Retail nodes were identified and categorised according to their number of connections, from R1 to R6+.

Retail nodes tend to connect only to the neighbours before or after them on route towards a Wholesale node.  The range of what is considered 'on route' is a determined by the angle of detour (αd ) value.
R2's were most frequent (22), which are essentially points along a continuous path.  These will likely serve the immediate connected blocks.  
R3's were next most frequent (16).  These, as well as the R4's (of which there are only 4) will have a larger draw, so we'll call these 'Local Nuclei'.

Although there are no R5's, we have an aberrant occurrence of an R6, which due to its highly connected nature, would likely function as a hub, similar to a W5 or W6, although without the wholesale function, which might limit its initial global draw.

Wholesale Nodes Programmes allocated

Wholesale Nodes
Programme space was allocated relative to the connectivity rating of the node.  Highest connected nodes are designated a total open space of 10,000 m2, which is comparable to Leicester Square (8000 m2) or Bedford Square (13000m2) in London, UK.  This area is from facade to facade and so is further broken down into circulation, production, outdoor eating/drinking and finally an unprogrammed open space is reserved.  These areas are then scaled down and adjusted for each node type.

Space is also allocated for complementary programmes in the bounding architectural volumes.  Each node requires a food shop and supporting infrastructure, as well as social mixing spaces, each scaled according to node rank and expected volume of people.  To calculate the area available for these, the perimeter of the circle with an area = assigned open space was taken as a frontage length, a depth was added for a typical urban shop footprint, and number of floors designated.  The total was then broken into the various categories of enclosed programmes.

These initial numbers should be further refined with a more in depth analysis of projected people flows.  

Retail Nodes Programme space allocated

Retail Nodes
Programme space in retail nodes was allocated in a similar method although scales are more modest relative to the wholesale nodes.  While Wholesale nodes are by nature global attractors within our network, Retail nodes are expected to have a local draw, and so are expected to serve a smaller population. 

Node Programmes applied

Node Programmes Applied
In applying the programme areas to the nodes throughout the tissue according to rank, we can begin to see a differentiation in public spaces across our prototypical city.  The distribution of scales, with a higher concentration of larger, highly connected 'major hubs' near the centre, and smaller 'local nuclei' scattered throughout, suggests a hierarchy of spaces, with varying intensities of use driven by the inherent characteristics of the network.