Kungsängen - Productive Blocks & Recreational Network

Overview | Site | Scale | Settlement | Network | Productive block | Typologies

Kungsängen - Adapted Morphology

With the network generated, and built morphology adapted to the network programming, we turn our attention to the Productive Blocks. 

Blocks across the different tiles exhibit much more variation in size than in our 1km2 tissue, resulting from the varying sizes of continuous productive areas generated by the different combinations of Density and Friendliness values.  These larger blocks are also lower in population density and provide a different dwelling character than those within our denser more central tiles.

Recreational Nodes / Network
With landscape elements as inputs, we can look to the natural features of the site to complement our recreational network.

Recreational Nodes within the blocks can connect to protected forests and the public waterfront, creating more varied recreational environments for city dwellers accessible by a low-intensity path network.

Also, the sides of blocks that front wooded patches will be particularly desirable.

Kungsängen - Productive Blocks & Recreational Network

Solar Exposure Optimisation 
Northern latitudes will require lower sun obstruction angles and therefore terracing within the blocks will be more gradual.  This will also mean that some blocks will not be able to meet the requirements of the building height algorithm if the density is too high.  A rule could be implemented which allows dwellings to move to adjacent blocks if this situation arises.